The Washington Post - Jun 22 2020 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Jun 22 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Latina friend AMIGA
Letters before 'Fridays' in a restaurant name TGI
Light-sensitive eye layer RETINA
Long __ of the law ARM
Many 'Brooklyn Nine-Nine' characters COPS
Medicare Advantage, familiarly PARTC
Most certain SUREST
National STEM Competition for middle school visionaries FUTURECITY
Noisy weather event, briefly TSTORM
Number of beers that fall off the wall in each round of the song ONE
Offend slightly MIFF
Outcast PARIAH
Pacino and Roker ALS
Parisian street RUE
Part of a cow the milk comes from UDDER
Part of CBS: Abbr SYS
Passes, as laws ENACTS
Per item APOP
Political refugee EMIGRE
Premier League powerhouse ARSENAL
Progressive spokeswoman FLO
Riotous spree RAMPAGE
Road goo TAR
Roofing support RAFTER
Room on the Clue board STUDY
Sass LIP
Sherlock Holmes adversary Irene ADLER
Skippy rival JIF
Super-excited GIDDY
Sweetie, in slang BAE
Sword's sharp part EDGE
Total rubbish TRIPE
Toward the stern AFT
Transplant to a new container REPOT
Triumphant shouts TADAS
Tuesday fare? TACOS
Wd. modifying a noun ADJ
Wrath IRE
Writer of arcade entertainment reviews GAMECRITIC
'I Have a __': MLK DREAM
'Young Frankenstein' aide IGOR
'__-haw!' YEE
1857 litigant Scott DRED
All-purpose roll DUCTTAPE
Annual shot target FLU
Antivirus giant MCAFEE
Appliance maker AMANA
Arcade pioneer ATARI
Arrange in order SORT
Based on, as opinions vis-à-vis faith ROOTEDIN
Boss on a red truck FIRECHIEF
Campus party garb TOGA
Category in iTunes GENRE
Chinese menu standard, or what's literally found in the circled letters? FRIEDRICE
Civil rights org ACLU
CT scan relative MRI
Daytime snooze NAP
Deadly nerve gas SARIN
Desktop image ICON
Detox facility REHAB
Diamond pattern ARGYLE
Diplomat's skill TACT
Disney's Little Mermaid ARIEL
Divisions of history ERAS
Dough raiser YEAST
Elba who played Mandela IDRIS
Employ USE
Eye care brand RENU
French fathers PERES
Frozen food biggie MARIECALLENDERS
Gift at a white elephant exchange, say GAG
Great Seal bird EAGLE
Harley, e.g HOG
Hilda and Zelda, to TV's Sabrina AUNTS
Hubbub ADO
In the past AGO
It allows air but keeps out bugs SCREEN
June 6, 1944 DDAY

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