The Washington Post - Feb 8 2020 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Feb 8 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Minor league game? TEEBALL
Movement-controlling pedal GAS
Myrna who played Nora Charles LOY
Observations ESPIALS
Opposite of original TIRED
Piano duet quartet HANDS
Reality FACT
Short-legged lizard SKINK
Sí, across the Pyrenees OUI
Singer in the Whiffenpoofs, e.g ELI
Slangy states? SEZ
Slithery danger ASP
Song title line after 'once, twice' THREETIMESALADY
Sources of sprays NEBULIZERS
Sports news highlights TRADES
Star associated with Venus SERENA
Tannenbaum topper ENGEL
Tequila sources AGAVES
The U.S. Naval Academy is situated at is mouth SEVERN
To any extent SOEVER
Try to say GETAT
TurboTax pros CPAS
Unadon fish EELS
Understood SEEN
Victim of Paris ACHILLES
Ward of 'FBI' SELA
Whack STAB
Where many get manis SPA
Wild fruit is a feature of it PALEODIET
Word with box or dome SKY
__ Stadium, home to the 49ers LEVIS
Clues Answers
'AGT' judge __ B MEL
'El Cantar de mío __': Castilian epic poem CID
'Men in Black' gp ETS
'Men in black' gp., some say CIA
'We're done here' CASECLOSED
Act with a rainy day in mind? SAVE
Andorra's only official language CATALAN
Aphrodite's love child EROS
Back-talking SASSY
Baseball's Maglie and Bando SALS
Basements, to Realtors TERRACELEVELS
Bio lab preparation STAIN
Bit of deception FOOLER
Caterpillar rival DEERE
Clubs for Cubs BATS
Correctly ARIGHT
Decides when SETSADATE
Declining in later years SENILE
Depth-of-field setting FSTOP
Either co-author of Curious George books REY
Exacting sort STICKLER
Farm animals that sound like trees EWES
Figs. with two dashes SSNS
Fill up again REPLENISH
Hockey Hall of Famer Mikita STAN
Hosp. area with few visitors ICU
It may be taken before a vote POLL
Lead-in for an old saw ASTHESAYINGGOES
Like a June day, to Lowell SORARE
Manufacturing statistic NEWORDERS
Marketing fees ADRATES
Master's award DEGREE

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