The Washington Post - Feb 23 2020 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Feb 23 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Less risky SAFER
Lighthearted BLITHE
Lions marching event? PRIDEPARADE
Listing ATILT
Lukas of 'Witness' HAAS
Lyon lover's word AIME
Madame's Spanish counterpart SENORA
Madrid-based airline IBERIA
Mexican horseman CHARRO
Moonshine HOOCH
Mousetrap brand DCON
NBC show since 1975 SNL
Nestlé candy with a white covering SNOCAPS
Net worth component ASSETS
News source for millions FACEBOOKFEED
Not even moist BONEDRY
Orson Scott Card protagonist __ Wiggin ENDER
Oxford, but not Cambridge SHOE
Pale __ ALE
Phone button REDIAL
Pope's jurisdiction HOLYSEE
Presumed UFO crew ETS
Pringles alternative LAYS
Pumpkin pie seasoning ALLSPICE
Punk subgenre EMO
QB's pass to a CB, say INT
Rabble MOB
Rangers' domains FORESTS
Reason for a star HEROISM
Refinement POLISH
Results ENDS
Reuters apps alternative APNEWS
Rewards for regulars LOYALTYCARDS
Rising stars COMERS
Sarcastic 'So sad' BOOHOO
Scott classic IVANHOE
Shouts of discovery AHAS
Small Mercedes sedan ACLASS
Small piano SPINET
Spanish cordial ANIS
Start to correct? AUTO
Sun Devils' sch ASU
Swimwear fabric TRICOT
Symbol of monastic life CLOISTER
Tardy with LATEON
Tennis immortal ASHE
Tentative agreement IGUESSSO
Texter's qualifier IMO
The Wizard of Oz's hometown OMAHA
Things to avoid TABOOS
Tick-ing bomb? DEET
Tinged HUED
Tree trunk BOLE
Underwater projection KEEL
Updike's 'Rabbit Redux,' e.g.: Abbr SEQ
VCR button REC
Vending machine feature COINSLOT
Whales' sorely lacking veggie supply? TWOPEASINAPOD
What a subscription renewal prevents LAPSE
Whoopi's role in 'The Color Purple' CELIE
Wild plum SLOE
Wolves from Lower Manhattan? BATTERYPACK
Writer Uris LEON
WWII weapon STEN
Yearn for CRAVE
__ Taco DEL
__ The Magazine AARP
__-com ROM
Clues Answers
'An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power' author GORE
'Be it __ humble ... ': song lyric EVERSO
'black-ish' airer ABC
'Great' Russian czar PETERI
'How now? __?': Hamlet ARAT
'Love Song' singer Bareilles SARA
'My bad' SORRY
'Race Matters' author West CORNEL
'Shoulda listened to me!' ITOLDYA
'The Name of the Rose' author ECO
1970s Plumber LIDDY
Adam of Maroon 5 LEVINE
Aids in DNA sequencing research GENEMAPS
Alaskan island invaded by Japan in WWII ATTU
Alfredo __, 'Ratatouille' character named for a pasta LINGUINI
Ants in the British colonies? CONTINENTALARMY
Ask invasively PRY
Aspiring MBA's major ECON
Baja bar tender? PESOS
Baroque painter Guido RENI
Baton Rouge-to-Jackson dir NNE
Bats living in an old Chrysler? PLYMOUTHCOLONY
Be on duty at, as a battle station MAN
Beatles album with a bang HELP
Boiling sign STEAM
Brinker on skates HANS
Car radio button PRESET
Cataract surgery replacement LENS
Certain owl's howl SCREECH
Cheerio relative AUREVOIR
City bond, briefly MUNI
Closed ecosystems BIODOMES
Connotation SENSE
Cool, in '90s slang PHAT
Crafts website ETSY
Crows sailing from Ethiopia to Egypt? MURDERONTHENILE
Debatable 'gift' ESP
Degree in math NTH
Dilute THIN
Documented ONRECORD
Down __: Maine nickname EAST
Drove at Indy RACED
Dull opening? DEE
Edmond __: the Count of Monte Cristo DANTES
Elvis sings it in 'Blue Hawaii' ALOHAOE
ER scans MRIS
Exercise target CORE
Fathered SIRED
Fiscal execs CFOS
Fish attending Mass? CATHOLICSCHOOL
Fishing boat DORY
Frozen planet in 'The Empire Strikes Back' HOTH
General __ MOTORS
Gives the slip EVADES
Golf match equalizer HANDICAP
Goof ERR
Gp. with a three-finger salute BSA
Green-lights OKS
Gun lobby org NRA
J.Lo's fiancé AROD
Juno, to Socrates HERA
Just barely ATAD
L.A. Philharmonic Conductor Emeritus MEHTA
LAPD unit? LOS
Large body of eau MER
Law firm abbr ESQ
Least likely to mingle SHIEST

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