The Washington Post - Feb 16 2020 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Feb 16 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Intent look GAZE
Islamic leaders CALIPHS
Italian hot spot ETNA
Japan's largest active volcano ASO
Jeweler's measure CARAT
Just makes, with 'out' EKES
Knowledgeable about UPON
Lead monitor, for short EPA
Letter-shaped fasteners TNUTS
Level and plane TOOLS
Leveled, with 'up' TRUED
Like a 'Stat!' instruction URGENT
Like cobras, but not pythons VENOMOUS
Like many indie films ARTY
Links army leader ARNIE
Mailed SENT
Manhattan, say BARORDER
Mix thoroughly, as oil and vinegar EMULSIFY
Most affected by a workout SOREST
Most popular HOTTEST
Most ready for trouble ALERTEST
Motion maker: Abbr ATT
Mrs. Gorbachev RAISA
Music to a matador's ears OLE
Musician Minaj NICKI
Near-eternity AEON
Need an eraser, say ERR
Nomadic Kenyans MASAI
Not fulfilled UNMET
Number of singers in The Chipmunks THREE
Obeys a stick-wielding doctor SAYSAH
One way to solve crosswords ININK
Ovarian hormones ESTROGENS
Peggy or Brenda of song LEE
Period of time ERA
Pondering, with 'on' CHEWING
Poppycock NONSENSE
Ports in a storm HAVENS
Property recipient, in legal language ALIENEE
Pueblo people ZUNI
Queens stadium namesake ASHE
Reading disorder ALEXIA
Ready for trouble ONTHEBALL
Reliever's stat SAVES
Roughly ORSO
Run down a mountain SCHUSS
Sheik's land, in song ARABY
Slanted column OPEDPIECE
Smoothie berry ACAI
Soapmaker's supplies LYES
Some interruptions AHEMS
Summit ACME
Tennis drop shot DINK
Thames campus ETON
Thumper's friend BAMBI
Wanted poster listings ALIASES
Was indebted to OWED
Wasn't indifferent CARED
Watch SEE
Way more than some ALOT
Web system allowing outside access EXTRANET
Weimaraner's complaint WHINE
Woodwind piece REED
Word with line or hound CHOW
Yucatán 'you' USTED
__ Lingus AER
__ New Guinea PAPUA
Clues Answers
'... __ you home to dinner': Shak HIE
'Can we see __?': diner's request AMENU
'If it fits' item SHOE
'In your dreams!' NOTAHOPE
'Rabbit' series author UPDIKE
'Shoot!' DARNIT
'That being the case ... ' IFSO
'The Black Cat' author POE
'The Great Dictator' Oscar nominee Jack OAKIE
'The Jungle' author Sinclair UPTON
'__ it!': 'Get moving!' HOPTO
'__ you really just say that?' DID
*Ball game record SCORESHEET
*Car coolant carrier RADIATORHOSE
*Epithet for a fair British maiden ENGLISHROSE
*Historic site in Paris' Latin Quarter THESORBONNE
*One may be six feet long HEROSANDWICH
*Totally ripped TORNTOSHREDS
*Tourist's eye-opening experience, perhaps CULTURESHOCK
1971 Stones hit, or what can be found in the answers to starred clues WILDHORSES
Actor Guinness ALEC
Apple starter CRAN
As an example FORONE
Asian holiday TET
Bad marks in high school? ACNE
Baddies with pointy hats HAGS
Baltic people LETTS
Banking misjudgment BADLOAN
Berserk AMOK
Blathering TALKY
Blood of the gods ICHOR
Born, in some bios NEE
Burden ONUS
Can't brook DETESTS
Cans for cons POKEYS
Car and Driver yearly listing TENBEST
Car thief's contact CHOPSHOP
Cars that sound like gems OPELS
Causing avoidance AVERSIVE
Climbing gear ROPE
Clown mascot's first name RONALD
Composer Bruckner ANTON
Courtroom pro STENO
Crayola color renamed Peach in 1962 FLESH
Cremona strings master AMATI
Diner menu info PRICE
Director's challenges EGOS
E Street Band notable Van Zandt STEVEN
Early Earth life forms BACTERIA
Eatery seen in the film 'Manhattan' ELAINES
Either of two Indy 500 racers ALUNSER
Encouraged through chicanery LEDON
Enjoy a run, perhaps SKI
Estate beneficiary HEIR
Evening parties SOIREES
First name in furniture ETHAN
Flat fish RAY
Fleeced SHORN
Fork, for instance UTENSIL
Frasier's brother NILES
Frosty coat HOAR
Hallucinogenic letters LSD
Hard work TOIL
How to handle fine china GENTLY
HUN neighbor, to the IOC CRO
Hydrocarbon group ALKYL
Indian title of respect SAHIB

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