The Washington Post - Jan 5 2020 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Jan 5 2020 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Lab dish eponym PETRI
Like a nonexistent chance FAT
Living __ WAGE
Long times EONS
Looks for prints DUSTS
Low-pH stuff ACID
Lowest multiple of CLI that fits in this space DCIV
Lucas droid ARTOO
Madonna's 'La __ Bonita' ISLA
Makes into law ENACTS
Massage reaction OOH
More under the influence TIPSIER
National Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall site TAIPEI
Nothing, in Nantes RIEN
Novel makeup PROSE
O.T. queen ESTH
Official order EDICT
One might be slipped DISC
One of the vitals PULSE
One of two in a crash CYMBAL
Onetime Beatle Sutcliffe STU
Op. __ CIT
Org. giving G's and R's MPAA
Overdue debt more commonly pluralized ARREAR
Palm smartphone TREO
Parting words? OBIT
Personal quirk TIC
Pertinent APT
Place to get a lift SKISLOPE
Prefix suggesting savings ECONO
Prey for a Hauskatze MAUS
Professional gps ASSNS
Provides an excuse ALIBIS
Quaffs with punch NOGS
Queen Amidala's 'Star Wars' home NABOO
Quick reminder MEMO
Quite a bit like AKINTO
Recovery place POSTOP
Reference book reference NOTE
Rink move AXEL
Run the show EMCEE
Seats arranged in rows PEWS
See 128-Across RATA
Shiny, in product names BRITE
Shrub with a purple fruit SLOE
Soccer great Messi LIONEL
Soda shop supply STRAWS
Son of Seth ENOS
SpaceX CEO Musk ELON
Starchy roots TAROS
Stiller's partner MEARA
Subway fare? HERO
Superfamily including gibbons HOMINOIDS
Sushi roll wrap NORI
Tennis great ASHE
Testing subject GUINEAPIG
Thinks DEEMS
Thunderstruck INAWE
Tool for removing broken screws EXTRACTOR
Type of salad CAESAR
Unsettling looks STARES
Verge CUSP
Weightlifting units REPS
What a shutout lowers EARNEDRUNAVERAGE
When the Commodore 64 computer was released NINETEENEIGHTYTWO
With 87-Down, fairly PRO
Word on a bill UNUM
World capital since 1931 NEWDELHIINDIA
World leader who's a judo black belt PUTIN
X, at times TEN
Zoo features CAGES
__ choy BOK
Clues Answers
'Beloved' novelist Morrison TONI
'Cotton Candy' jazzman HIRT
'Death in Venice' author MANN
'Dilbert' cry GAH
'Gigi' playwright LOOS
'I'm ready to come in now' MEOW
'Lonely Boy' singer ANKA
'Movin' __': '70s-'80s sitcom theme song ONUP
'Smallville' character LANA
1982 Physical Tour singer OLIVIANEWTONJOHN
Alice's cat DINAH
Amigo of Fidel CHE
Andorra's region IBERIA
Architect Saarinen ELIEL
Artful dodge JUKE
Aspiring atty.'s exam LSAT
Assures, as a win ICES
Attach with twine TIEON
Bart Simpson's grandma MONA
Baseball Hall of Famer Roush EDD
Beachwear for the immodest THONG
Benefactor PATRON
Big name in tequila CUERVO
Bowl-shaped pans WOKS
Bread grain OAT
Bus sched. letters ETA
Butcher shop cuts LOINS
Cal Poly campus site, initially SLO
California's Santa __ River ANA
Camera move PAN
Capital near Siena College ALBANYNEWYORK
Card game shout UNO
Cassini of fashion OLEG
Character who said about her father, 'Yet he hath ever but slenderly known himself' REGAN
Chip in a pot ANTE
Christmas buy FIR
Clean Air Act org EPA
Clearance item caveat ASIS
Corrida participant TORO
Creator of the GOP elephant NAST
Cut out OMIT
Declines EBBS
Defeat LICK
Derisive sounds SNORTS
Doctrines ISMS
Drawing tools SIPHONS
Driveway hoops game HORSE
Ersatz silk RAYON
Extra NHL periods OTS
Eye drop TEAR
First quarterback to exceed 5,000 passing yards in a season MARINO
FRA neighbor, to the IOC ESP
Freudian topics EGOS
Frost-covered RIMY
German town STADT
Give the chance to LET
God with a quiver EROS
Half a fly TSE
Highest grossing movie of 1980, with 'The' EMPIRESTRIKESBACK
Highways: Abbr RTES
Hindu title SRI
Ho-hum feeling ENNUI
Horror film helper IGOR
Inverse trig function ARCTAN
Is closer to reaching NEARS
John's first partner on American TV's 'The Avengers' EMMA
Kind of pneumonia LOBAR

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