The Washington Post - May 19 2019 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - May 19 2019 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
Mani-pedi locale SPA
Mar. arrival, in theory SPR
Member of the fam CUZ
Memoir, for one GENRE
Mends, as a rattan chair RECANES
More-than-stretchy statement LIE
Muffet fare WHEY
Musical timbre TONECOLOR
Nonprofit reporting app APNEWS
Novelist Rand AYN
Nurse SIP
Odist's inspiration ERATO
One-footed creature UNIPED
Org. with quarantine authority CDC
Panache ELAN
Part of MVP MOST
Peter the Great, e.g TSAR
Ph.D.'s next hurdle POSTDOC
Pioneer 35mm cameras LEICAS
Pittance SOU
Place to stay INN
Port opener HELI
Protected while sailing ALEE
Queens squad METS
Quiet order SHUSH
Rainy WET
Regret RUE
Regular guys? STEADIES
Request to the local marriage oath writer? CANIBUYAVOW
Rodeo contestants, at times ROPERS
Run smoothly PURR
Ryder of 'Stranger Things' WINONA
Scrabble 8-pointer JTILE
See 119-Down RAPS
See 93-Across SCENEV
Selling point ASSET
Shmoo creator ALCAPP
Sign of contempt SNEER
Silicon Valley field TECH
Singer's skill EAR
Slingshot feature YSHAPE
Some diaper changers DADS
Some dishwashers GES
Spiced up ZESTED
Stark in 'Game of Thrones' NED
Subtle 'Over here!' PSST
Swipe again? RESCAN
Talks about woks? PANDISCUSSIONS
Tapered cigar PERFECTO
Thin Mints seller GIRLSCOUT
Throws in ADDS
Trendy berry ACAI
Unsuccessful competitors ALSORANS
USCG reception SOS
Variety headline for director Lee's U.S. debut? ANGSINAMERICA
Western alliances POSSES
What a generous mechanic might do after a wreck? THROWINTHETOW
Wild attempt STAB
With 66-Down, when Lady Macbeth says, 'Leave all the rest to me' ACTI
Words of defeat ILOST
World Heritage Site org UNESCO
[Sigh] ALAS
__ Brasi, 'The Godfather' enforcer LUCA
__ Mawr College BRYN
__ vu DEJA
__-de-sac CUL
Clues Answers
'Girls' Emmy nominee Hoffmann GABY
'Oh, that's adorable!' AWSOCUTE
'Psych!' NOT
'Sunday Morning' channel CBS
'The A-Team' muscle MRT
'The Yodeling Cowgirl' in 'Toy Story' films JESSIE
'Try it' HAVEONE
'Yesterday!' STAT
'__ tree falls ... ' IFA
1607 settlement JAMESTOWN
2014 Lizzie Borden portrayer Christina RICCI
Abolish BAN
Advanced teaching deg MSED
Best Female Athlete, e.g ESPY
Brainchild IDEA
Breakfast staple ORANGEJUICE
Business card no TEL
Calf spot LEG
Cart count ITEMS
Chipotle alternative QDOBA
Chopin work WALTZ
Clancy's 'The __ of All Fears' SUM
Coal carrier TRAM
College Bd. result using a 1-to-5 scale APTESTSCORE
Command from Kirk BEAMMEUP
Consider DEEM
Crab Key villain DRNO
Cracked river barriers? DAMSINDISTRESS
Creamy soups BISQUES
Creations with colorful blocks LEGOART
Crunchy side SLAW
Crunchy snack BAGELCHIP
Deck-enclosing option SCREEN
Delicious SAPID
Directory name LISTEE
DNC chair Tom PEREZ
Dr. who 111-Down DRE
Drink word for 'strained' COLADA
Driving aid TEE
Dulles alternative REAGAN
Encircle RING
Eur. country in the Olympics since 1992 CRO
Finger NAME
Flexible lunch hour ONEISH
Flight safety equipment? RAILS
French sweetie CHERI
Gap rival JCREW
Gets ready to play WARMSUP
Golfer's wedge, e.g IRON
Greek X CHI
Headliner STAR
How the satisfied stand PAT
Hurting INPAIN
Implied TACIT
In a lab, it's often white RAT
Indistinct mass BLOB
It covers the House CSPAN
It's dropped for emphasis MIC
January birthstone GARNET
Jolly syllables HOHO
Kind of artery RENAL
Like about 25% of Russia's population ASIAN
Lunchbox staples, initially PBJS
Machu Picchu denizen INCA
Magician's tote? EVERYTHINGBAG
Make a mess of, as traffic TIEUP

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