Clues | Answers |
Like two Beethoven piano sonatas | INE |
Limited-choice, as a question | YESNO |
Limo amenity | MINIBAR |
Lit | SOUSED |
Literally, 'shady side' | YIN |
Logician's letters | QED |
Low choristers | BASSI |
Lumberyard supplier | AXER |
Lunch with fish | TUNASUB |
Lures | TEMPTS |
Measurement for meat rotating on a spit? | ROASTTORQUE |
Middle eye layer | UVEA |
Most highly regarded seasoning? | TARRAGONOFVIRTUE |
Musician's suffix | IST |
Mystify | BEMUSE |
N.Y. neighbor | QUE |
Nats pitcher González | GIO |
Near the start | EARLYON |
O'Neill's daughter | OONA |
Old Eurasian rulers | TSARS |
One of a program dozen | STEP |
Oscar __ | SNUB |
Part of the woods? | NECK |
Peaks | ACMES |
Pie nut | PECAN |
Pipes and such | PLUMBING |
Place to grab a bite | EATERY |
Portends | BODES |
Powerful | MIGHTY |
Prepares potatoes, in a way | WHIPS |
Promise | PLEDGE |
Put on | HIRE |
Quick quality | WIT |
Radio tuning shortcut | PRESET |
Randy Johnson and Aroldis Chapman | LEFTIES |
Really mess up | RUIN |
Rex in the classics | OEDIPUS |
Sacred scroll | TORAH |
Saddlebag carrier | ASS |
Seating option | AISLE |
Security briefing org | CIA |
See 83-Across | GPS |
Shed | MOLT |
Side | EDGE |
Singer DiFranco | ANI |
Ski resort refreshment? | NEWSNOW |
Slant | SPIN |
Slow and steady | GRADUAL |
Soft shoe | MOC |
Source of film trivia | IMDB |
Staple __ | GUN |
Start of a sad tale | ALAS |
Sticking point? | CRAW |
Stink | TODO |
Straights and flushes | HANDS |
Talking point? | LECTERN |
Town | BURG |
Two-letter pop group | ABBA |
Vanishing sound | POOF |
Wall covers | PANELS |
Wanderer | VAGABOND |
Welcome | SEEIN |
Well-ventilated chef's hat? | TOQUEFULLOFHOLES |
Where some pounds are spent: Abbr | LEB |
Wine adjective | OAKY |
Words often about details | SPAREME |
Yalta Conference notable | STALIN |
Yogi Bear co-creator | HANNA |
Zagreb native | CROAT |
__ collar | ETON |
__ de coeur: amorous relationship | AFFAIRE |
__ vivant | BON |
Clues | Answers |
'Dead __ Society': 1989 film | POETS |
'Hamilton' award | TONY |
'Not a chance!' | MYEYE |
'The Clan of the Cave Bear' author | AUEL |
'Trinity' novelist | URIS |
'Tristram Shandy' author | STERNE |
'__ Not There': Zombies hit | SHES |
23rd of 24 | PSI |
80%-Disney-owned channel | ESPN |
97-Across output | RTE |
Actress Helen with her personal programmer? | HUNTANDTECH |
Adorable one | CUTIE |
Alley in comics | OOP |
Animated | SPARKY |
Author Binchy | MAEVE |
B, in a sandwich | BACON |
Bag by the barbecue | CHARCOAL |
Bastes, say | SEWS |
Big-eyed bird | OWL |
Bird related to the noddy | TERN |
Brand that's a homophone of its company's initials | ESSO |
Bridget Riley's 'Movement in Squares,' e.g | OPART |
Brusque orchestral violinists? | TERSESTRINGS |
Bush boss | REAGAN |
Call for icing, maybe | SWELLUP |
Card game shout | UNO |
Card in a wallet | VISA |
CD part | DISC |
Child with a sponsor, maybe | GODSON |
Chocolate-loving gang? | COCOATOUGHS |
Complex story | SAGA |
Deli choice | RYE |
Does penance (for) | ATONES |
Doesn't hold back | VENTS |
Done with | RIDOF |
Educates | SCHOOLS |
Extra | MORE |
Finished | OVER |
Florida NFLer | BUC |
Forgo | WAIVE |
Former 'Today' co-host | VIEIRA |
Gets more friendly, with 'up' | WARMS |
Giuseppe's god | DIO |
Glittery rock | GEODE |
Golf bag set | IRONS |
Got hot online | TRENDED |
Granite St. campus | UNH |
Groom on a 1952 Life cover | ABNER |
Half-__: coffee order | CAF |
Head honcho, e.g | MAGNATE |
High time | BOOM |
Hit hard | SLUG |
Holiday drink | NOG |
Homer's 'Northeaster,' for one | SEASCAPE |
Honey beverage | MEAD |
Ideal areas | EDENS |
Informal pricing words | APOP |
It borders three oceans | ASIA |
It gives you the big picture | IMAX |
It may be given with a bow | PRESENT |
It's often stained | DECK |
Italian noble family | ESTE |
John follower | ACTS |
Joke | GAG |
Just barely, at the track | BYANOSE |
Kids responsible for breakfast bread? | TOASTERGIRLS |
Kiss at the mall, briefly | PDA |
Knockoff hr | FIVEPM |
Language that gives us 'kayak' | INUIT |
Large crosses | ROODS |
Letters before Q? | LGBT |
Like many Bing Crosby records | MONO |
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