Clues | Answers |
'Be silent,' in music | TACET |
'Delta of Venus' author | NIN |
'My man!' | BRO |
'My man!' | DUDE |
'The Mary Tyler Moore Show' newsman | TED |
*'Hail to thee, blithe Spirit!' poet | PERCYBYSSHESHELLEY |
*1985 #1 hit for Paul Young | EVERYTIMEYOUGOAWAY |
*Criminal justice supervisor | PROBATIONOFFICER |
*Get worse, with no way to stop | SPINOUTOFCONTROL |
*Nero Wolfe title that plays on the start of an old adage | WHERETHERESAWILL |
16th-century date | MDL |
1965 King arrest site | SELMA |
2017 World Series champ | ASTRO |
A little lower? | CALF |
Adept | PRO |
Agree to | GRANT |
All the time | ALOT |
Amber __ | ALE |
André Previn's adopted daughter | SOONYI |
Anime cousin | MANGA |
Any minute, old-style | ANON |
Arles article | UNE |
Arles assents | OUIS |
Assist | AID |
Assume as fact | POSIT |
Author Martin | AMIS |
Back in the bay | ASTERN |
Baking supplies | YEASTS |
Ballade's final stanza | ENVOI |
Batted | WASUP |
Bed board | SLAT |
Big name in shoes | MCAN |
Bit of work | ERG |
Bone head? | OSTE |
Boo relative | HISS |
Book with a lock | DIARY |
Break off | CEASE |
Bury | INTER |
Change the decor of | REDO |
Church contribution | OFFERING |
Cold War initials | USSR |
Comet's path | ORBIT |
Common conjunction | NOR |
Company whose German pronunciation has two syllables | PORSCHE |
Complete | ENTIRE |
Composer of the short piano pieces 'Le Yachting' and 'Le Golf' | SATIE |
Cozy corner | NOOK |
Cracker topper | BRIE |
Creek croaker | TOAD |
Cries of support | OLES |
Decked out | CLAD |
Declaim | ORATE |
Deeply engrossed | RAPT |
Delhi wrap | SARI |
Deluxe | LAVISH |
Dentist's directive | FLOSS |
Devotee | BUFF |
Do serious damage to | SCAR |
Dope | INFO |
Dovetail | MESH |
Drifted gently | WAFTED |
Dundee disagreements | NAES |
Ear specialist's science | OTOLOGY |
Eats or drinks | HAS |
Elementary particle | ATOM |
Fling | AFFAIR |
Formally approve | RATIFY |
Go around in circles | EDDY |
Goes up and down | YOYOS |
Golf shot | STROKE |
Clues | Answers |
Ham it up | EMOTE |
Hanker | ACHE |
Hard thing to kick | HABIT |
Healthful retreats | SPAS |
Heat unit | THERM |
Hockey's Bobby et al | ORRS |
How Steven Wright jokes are spoken | DRYLY |
Hwy | RTE |
In the Aegean | ASEA |
Inquisitive-sounding letter | WYE |
Israel's Golda | MEIR |
Israeli desert | NEGEV |
It's usually just before dessert | ENTREE |
Kept in barrels, maybe | AGED |
Kind of acid in proteins | AMINO |
Knighted English composer | ELGAR |
Like Beethoven, late in life | DEAF |
Like early Elvis albums | MONO |
Long-billed wader | CURLEW |
Looked like a wolf? | OGLED |
Many a retired racehorse | SIRE |
Massachusetts motto opener | ENSE |
Maxim that applies to pairs hiding together in the answers to starred clues | OPPOSITESATTRACT |
Medical center | CLINIC |
Moral obligations | OUGHTS |
Needle point? | NORTH |
Notched, as a maple leaf | EROSE |
Once uncool sort who's now sort of cool | NERD |
Oral health org | ADA |
Paper size: Abbr | LTR |
PD ranks | SGTS |
Perry of fashion | ELLIS |
Piña colada garnish? | TILDE |
Placing side by side | APPOSING |
Poetic foot | DACTYL |
Pop | SODA |
Pretenses | FACADES |
Quaker in the woods | ASPEN |
Rail commonly found in water? | SORA |
Saturn vehicles? | UFOS |
See 2-Down | LINE |
Sensation before a delivery | LABORPAIN |
Sheltered in the Aegean | ALEE |
Shortened, as a dict | ABR |
Slate or Salon | EMAG |
Sleep like __ | ALOG |
Specialty | METIER |
Stop on the Turin-Genoa railway | ASTI |
Suffix with Caesar | EAN |
Sword handles | HILTS |
Symbols of thinness | WAFERS |
Tarzan's realm | APEDOM |
Texter's 'seize the day' | YOLO |
Thirst (for) | YEARN |
Tilter's tool | LANCE |
Transmute | MORPH |
Trunks | TORSI |
Tube, so to speak | TVSET |
Upper, in Ulm | OBER |
Victory symbol | LAUREL |
Wages | PAY |
Winding-road sign image | WAVYARROW |
With 13-Across, write (to) | DROPA |
Word coined by writer Capek | ROBOT |
Wrinkly dog | SHARPEI |
Wrinkly fruit | UGLI |
Yves' ink | ENCRE |
[Not a typo] | SIC |
__ Dictionary | URBAN |
__-up: hybrid musical piece | MASH |
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