The Washington Post - Nov 19 2017 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Nov 19 2017 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
'60s hot spot NAM
'Bravo!' OLE
'Buffalo Stance' singer Cherry NENEH
'Didn't I tell you?' SEE
'Enchanted' girl in a 2004 film ELLA
'Not impressed' MEH
'The Ice Storm' director Lee ANG
'Things Fall Apart' novelist Chinua __ ACHEBE
'__ Nacht': German parting GUTE
'__, Sing America': Langston Hughes poem ITOO
1956 hot spot SUEZ
A, in Acapulco UNO
Assemble, as a computer system CONFIGURE
Attended WASAT
Biblical brother ABEL
Big celebration FEST
Big mouth MAW
Big name in spydom HARI
Big success HIT
Bluesman Redding OTIS
Brush aside IGNORE
Business TRADE
Bygone bird MOA
Bygone blade SNEE
Calf-roping loop NOOSE
Cambodian currency RIELS
Canadian tribe CREE
Cartoon genre ANIME
Challenge DARE
Checked out EYED
Code word DAH
Comic book artist's supply INDIAINK
Consequently THEN
Cremona crowd? TRE
Crisis of the middle ages? SAG
Custard concoction FLAN
Dagger-shaped editing marks OBELI
Deck (out) TOG
Deficiency LACK
Democratic donkey designer NAST
Dept. of Labor arm OSHA
Difficult position SPOT
Dilutes THINS
Ed.'s request SAE
Emeril catchword BAM
English race place ASCOT
Environmental activist ECOWARRIOR
Exhaust DRAIN
Experienced crew TARS
Eye affliction STYE
Fed up with a corporate VIP? BOREDOFTHECHAIRMAN
Ferrara family name ESTE
Firm in principle STAUNCH
Fish that can swim backwards EELS
Flour may be made with it SOY
German gentlemen HERREN
Going rate? ESTATETAX
Google Maps lines: Abbr STS
Gp. joined by Montenegro in 2017 NATO
Graffiti and such URBANART
Grocery section AISLE
Handles every objection? ANSWERSALLTHENOES
Hardly more than not at all ATAD
Healthful getaway SPA
Hearth residue ASH
Home to Napoli ITALIA
Hydrated magnesium sulfate EPSOMSALTS
In a strange way WEIRDLY
Clues Answers
Irregularly notched EROSE
Islamic worshippers SHIITES
Italy's largest port GENOA
IV league? RNS
J.Lo's main squeeze AROD
Japanese beer brand ASAHI
Kool-Aid alternative HIC
Lao Tzu's 'way' TAO
Like a yenta NOSY
Like cornstalks EARED
Like the most popular beaches SANDIEST
Lined up, with 'in' AROW
Lingerie item BRA
Lodge STOW
Mechanically, after 'by' ROTE
Mercury astronaut Cooper, to friends GORDO
Middle X or O TAC
Mining haul ORES
More than tickle SLAY
Mrs. Addams, to Gomez TISH
Nada, across the Pyrenees RIEN
Noble title LORD
Nonstick cooking spray PAM
Nova Scotia hrs AST
Original Dungeons & Dragons co TSR
Part of Kurdistan is in it IRAN
Paternity suit evidence DNA
Payment made each mo UTIL
Plant life FLORA
Press release? WINE
Principal ARCH
Proverb about creeps getting their just deserts? TIMEWOUNDSALLHEELS
Prynne's stigma REDA
Reacted skittishly to SHIEDAT
RSA ruling party ANC
Screen __ GRAB
See 1-Across TOMIND
Shades-wearing TV cousin ITT
Small partnership TWO
Social classes CASTES
Spars during dance music? PUNCHESTOTHEBEAT
Start playing for money GOPRO
Street fleet CABS
Strong request BEHEST
Surgeon's patient? TREE
Tickled AMUSED
Tidal extreme LOWWATER
Trail access aid SKITOW
Trick joint? KNEE
Troy, N.Y., tech school RPI
UFO crew, so it's said ETS
Ultra-aloof type COLDFISH
Very funny one RIOT
Vinegary ACID
Vintner's prefix OENO
Website for techies CNET
Western wolf LOBO
Whaler's direction THAR
What's at the heart of every calzone? ZEE
Winter cord WOOD
With 22- and 126-Across, saying about the difficulty of dieting? AWAIST
World Heritage Site org UNESCO
WWII command ETO
You don't have to face the music to do it LISTEN
__ agreement ORAL
__ Aviv TEL
__ Friday's TGI
__-Coburg: former German duchy SAXE
__-Roman wrestling GRECO

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