The Washington Post - May 29 2017 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - May 29 2017 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
'No, No' Broadway gal NANETTE
'Oye Como Va' group SANTANA
'The Maltese Falcon' actor PETERLORRE
'__-Tac-Dough': TV game show TIC
32 pieces and a game board CHESSSET
Ancient Romans LATINS
Aretha's genre SOUL
Artificial ERSATZ
Back of the boat STERN
Bandstand boosters AMPS
Big name in razors ATRA
Bottom-of-the-barrel stuff DREGS
Burns or Byron POET
Capital of Samoa APIA
Caramel candy brand ROLO
CFO's monetary report, and a hint to this puzzle's four longest answers PANDL
Chief exec PREZ
Continental cash EURO
Corporate world meal POWERLUNCH
Corrosive compounds ACIDS
Defib specialists EMTS
Disney mermaid ARIEL
Dog in 'The Thin Man' mysteries ASTA
Early Peruvians INCAS
Eden dweller EVE
FedEx assignment: Abbr RTE
Fish tempter BAIT
Flak jacket, e.g VEST
Force out OUST
Four times a day, in an Rx QID
Fry cook's woe SPATTER
Guys-only gathering STAG
Havana 'Hi!' HOLA
Heath-covered wastelands MOORS
Helps with the holdup ABETS
Historic Spanish fleet ARMADA
Instruction on a Steinway PIANOLESSON
Clues Answers
Kama __: Hindu love guide SUTRA
Lawyer: Abbr ATT
Light bulb, in comics IDEA
Like better PREFER
Manning of the NFL's Giants ELI
More in need of a rubdown ACHIER
Motionless INERT
Nebraska neighbor IOWA
Now, in Nogales AHORA
Obstinate beast ASS
Once around the track LAP
Ordered (around) BOSSED
Otherwise ELSE
Outback avian EMU
Pair of performers DUET
Political head PARTYLEADER
Pork serving CHOP
Provide with gear EQUIP
Reacts to being ravenous EATSALOT
Rope source HEMP
Rush job letters ASAP
Since Jan. 1, on pay stubs YTD
Singer Ronstadt LINDA
Sky safety org FAA
Small water bird COOT
Societal expectations NORMS
Talking TV palomino MRED
Thumb twiddler IDLER
Tiered cookies OREOS
Took a load off SAT
Touch the edge of ABUT
Turn loose UNLEASH
Ukr. or Lith., once SSR
Voice below soprano ALTO
Volume-off button MUTE
Walking obediently, as a dog ATHEEL
What the little hand shows HOUR
Whistle-blowing Brockovich ERIN
__-mell: disorderly PELL

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