The Washington Post - Mar 12 2017 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Mar 12 2017 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
'... __ a puddy tat!' ITAW
'A mouse!' EEK
'Breaking Bad' baddie Fring GUS
'Got it!' AHA
'I'll take all the help I can get' ANYADVICE
'Java' trumpeter ALHIRT
'Julie & Julia' director EPHRON
'My stars!' EGAD
'Never Wave at __': Rosalind Russell movie AWAC
'Oh, sure!' YEAHIBET
'Rabbit' series author UPDIKE
'Same for me' ASAMI
'Seems to be the case' GUESSSO
'Terrible' Russian ruler IVAN
'The Sound of Music' high points ALPS
'__ b?': 'Which is it?' AOR
'__ out!' YER
Atkins of country CHET
Autocrats until 1917 TSARS
Baby monitor alert WAIL
Baloney TRIPE
Big bore DRAG
Bit of a belly laugh HAR
Black Friday mo NOV
Blockheads OAFS
Blue state? WOE
Cabinet dept EDUC
Cable option PAYPERVIEW
Calculus pioneer EULER
Calls off ENDS
Campbell-Martin of 'Martin' TISHA
Ceramic piece TILE
Closer to being raw RARER
Colombian export EMERALDS
Come again RECUR
Conspire with ABET
Copacabana beach locale RIO
Curly-tailed dog AKITA
Deep pit ABYSS
Demonstratively romantic LOVEYDOVEY
Dole (out) METE
Don Juan ROUE
Draws off, as maple syrup TAPS
Fanfare and then some HYPE
First African-American Best Actor POITIER
Flix alternative TMC
Folksy Guthrie ARLO
Forearm bones ULNAS
Game inside a Narragansett beer bottle cap REBUS
Genesis setting EDEN
Georgetown hoopster HOYA
Gets tough HARDENS
Glide on blades SKATE
Go off-line? ADLIB
Goofy collectibles? CELS
GPS displays RTES
Grace starter OLORD
Ground-up bait CHUM
Hard on the eyes UGLYASSIN
Hawk's claw TALON
Helped a tot tie a shoelace, say KNELT
Holiday pantomime game? EASTERCHARADE
Impressive dwelling MANOR
In __ of LIEU
Is too sweet CLOYS
Its PAC is the Political Victory Fund NRA
Large retailer's overexpansion, perhaps? CHAINKILLER
Like Gen. Shinseki, former Secretary of Veterans Affairs RETD
Clues Answers
Like some spore reproduction ASEXUAL
Little bird wielding an ax? GUITARCHICK
Lost cause GONER
Major course ENTREE
Maker of fancy notebooks MOLESKINE
Marshland MIRE
Measure of stress inflicted by a crowd's roar? CHEERPRESSURE
Merged news agency TASS
MinuteClinic operator CVS
MLBer with 696 home runs AROD
Modeling adhesive EPOXY
Monster slain by Hercules HYDRA
Move crab-style SIDLE
Move quickly, as clouds SCUD
Name on Re-Nutriv products ESTEE
Necklace for a macho heartthrob? STUDCHOKER
News-selling org UPI
Nonpro? CON
Not all there LOOPY
Novelist Evelyn WAUGH
Ocean bird ERN
On the road AWAY
One with kids GOAT
One-eyed Norse deity ODIN
Ottoman honorific AGHA
Outback native EMU
Pair near your hair EARS
Pick up HEAR
Post-exam exultation INAILEDIT
Press the point ARGUE
Printer brand owned by Seiko EPSON
Ref. for wordsmiths OED
Requiring a lot of attention NEEDY
Resort in the Caucasian Riviera SOCHI
Right in the head SANE
Risk being burned, in a way BASK
Rodeo mount BRONC
Sailing ropes TYES
Screening org TSA
Sideline shouts RAHS
Sign word evoking days of yore OLDE
Single-serving coffee choice KCUP
Site of the Cave of Zeus, in myth: Abbr MTIDA
Slugger Mel OTT
Soup for toddlers? BABYCHOWDER
Spider woman? ARACHNE
Spokane-to-Edmonton dir NNE
Stairway piece RISER
Starbuck, for one SAILOR
Storage unit for spray bottles, trowels, etc.? GARDENCHEST
Stout holder STEIN
Subtleties NUANCES
Synthetic silk RAYON
Terrier of old mysteries ASTA
They're unlikely to pass the bar SOTS
Time line divisions ERAS
To blame ATFAULT
To have, to Henri AVOIR
Unbelievable one LIAR
Very important KEY
Visit overnight STAYAT
Watch kids SIT
Welcome summer cold snap? HAPPYCHILL
Well-timed ONCUE
Where to find fans ARENA
Winery cask TUN
Worms, to robins PREY
['That stinks!'] BOOHISS
__ Majesty HER
__-Canada: Esso competitor PETRO

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