The Washington Post - Dec 20 2016 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Dec 20 2016 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
'Hawaii Five-0' setting OAHU
'How goes it?' WHATSUP
'Muscle ___' (2013 documentary featuring Alabama studio musicians The Swampers) SHOALS
'No ___!' ('I've got this!') PROB
'Snowden' subj NSA
'Standing in the Shadows of ___' (2002 documetary featuring Detroit studio musicians The Funk Brothers) MOTOWN
'The Simpsons' merchant APU
Actress Peet or Plummer AMANDA
Alternative to Yahoo! AOL
Bathroom cleaning brand TILEX
Big sport in Japan SUMO
Big-eyed bird OWL
Boozehound SOT
Bowling alley target ONEPIN
Brewery controller? HOPSTAMER
Bro's sib SIS
Bus. card info, perhaps EXT
Chain that's long on short stacks IHOP
Chicago hub OHARE
Cigar bar residue ASH
Crater edge RIM
Criticize severely TRASH
Doze NOD
Dwelling ABODE
Facebook entry POST
Former frosh SOPHS
Former Iranian leader SHAH
Gaucho gear REATAS
Give off EMIT
Gossip DIRT
Got clean DETOXED
Ground covering placed by the grounds crew TARP
Heads-up ALERT
In the style of ALA
Keeps after taxes NETS
King or queen, but not jack CHESSMAN
Kitty cries MEWS
Legally block ESTOP
Leprechaun's gold container POT
Clues Answers
Letter afterthoughts PSS
London river authority? THAMESPRO
Loosey-goosey LAX
Make less difficult EASE
Margret and H. A., creators of Curious George REYS
Maternal figure at a fitness resort? SPAMOTHER
Memo starter INRE
Morales who played the President of the United States in the HBO comedy 'The Brink' ESAI
Mr. or Mrs TITLE
Pantomime performer MUMMER
Parisian summers ETES
Partner MATE
Perfect school grade APLUS
Remote controlled craft DRONE
Revered philatelist? STAMPHERO
River feature DELTA
Sci-fi's 'Doctor ___' WHO
SeaWorld symbol SHAMU
Send via cyberspace EMAIL
Serpent's home, maybe SEA
Stage of development PHASE
State of a hoarder's home DISARRAY
Stave off AVERT
Tach readout RPM
Takes steps ACTS
Tesla contemporary EDISON
Tiguan and Touareg, briefly VWS
Tool to make balusters and bats LATHE
Trails PATHS
Unjust verdict BUMRAP
Vietnamese soup expert? PHOMASTER
Vintner's valley NAPA
Vitality VIM
Wait on SERVE
Water balloon sound SPLAT
Wetland writer? MARSHPOET
What a quarrier quarries SLAB
Yelp user, perhaps RATER
___ cotta TERRA

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