The Washington Post - Nov 26 2016 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Nov 26 2016 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
'As a result ...' ANDSO
'To recap ...' INSUM
'Yeah, tell me another!' IBET
'You ____ what you eat' ARE
1984 movie with the main antagonist Sensei John Kreese, with 'The' KARATEKID
Abductee in a 2008 Liam Neeson movie TAKENPRISONER
Actress Cuthbert of '24' ELISHA
Adult insect IMAGO
Alias preceder AKA
Ancient fabulist AESOP
Author of a 1990 Demi Moore movie GHOSTWRITER
Bad review PAN
Baseball Hall of Famer ____ Wee Reese PEE
Brewer's oven OAST
Camper owners, briefly RVERS
Cereal grain OAT
Coastal Brazilian state BAHIA
Compass dir SSE
Convened another time RESAT
Cuzco's country PERU
Diamond Head locale OAHU
Diamond position SHORTSTOP
Doc's needle HYPO
Door handle KNOB
Dr. J's first pro league ABA
Fencing swords EPEES
Get out VACATE
Go one better than OUTDO
Had a good cry WEPT
Heater GAT
Himalayan cryptid YETI
Infinitesimal amount IOTA
Ireland's features a depiction of a harp EURO
It's a wrap SARAN
JFK update ETD
Knightley with an Academy Award nomination for 'The Imitation Game' KEIRA
Knitted one's brows SCOWLED
Knocks off ROBS
Clues Answers
Look at VIEW
Looks embarrassed ISRED
Louisiana county PARISH
Lows on the farm MOOS
Make sense ADDUP
Next year's jr SOPH
Now, in Nueva York AHORA
NYC punk club from 1973 to 2006 CBGB
Once more AGAIN
Outback bird EMU
Paddle OAR
Pedestrian extra in a 1994 Keanu Reeves movie SPEEDWALKER
Personal coach TUTOR
Peter Graves's role in a 1980 movie comedy AIRPLANEPILOT
Pitcher Martinez inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in 2015 PEDRO
Poem dedication ENVOI
Polymer products RESINS
Poppycock ROT
Public persona IMAGE
Pulled down MADE
Radio feature DIAL
Resound ECHO
Screen symbol ICON
Sis's sib BRO
Snare TRAP
Soundtrack musicians for a 1988 Tom Hanks movie BIGBAND
Started BEGAN
To boot ALSO
Took the bait BIT
Tree bump BURL
Trials and tribulations WOES
UK leaders PMS
Vodka cocktail, briefly COSMO
Weight abbr LBS
Well-wisher's opposite HATER
Whole alternative SKIM
Word before Father or Lady OUR

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