The Washington Post - Nov 19 2016 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Nov 19 2016 Crossword Answer

'Hedda Gabler' dramatist IBSEN
'Let's do this' IMGAME
'Yay, tomorrow's Saturday!' TGIF
'___ knows?' WHO
'___ that the truth!' ISNT
Appointment of a new bishop? SEECHANGE
Art that packs some punches? KARATE
Artist's composite MONTAGE
Bagful in the pantry TEA
Big month for the IRS APR
Calligraphy needs INKS
Chooses (to) OPTS
Delicacy in a shell SNAIL
English poet William who illustrated his own works BLAKE
Enjoying some drunken revelry ONATOOT
Ernie on a fairway ELS
Fanning of 'Maleficent' ELLE
Feudal estates MANORS
Figure skating jump TOELOOP
Form of address for a feudal lord SIRE
Fountain fare MALT
From Cardiff WELSH
Gap spin-off since 1994 OLDNAVY
Gardner of 'The Barefoot Contessa' AVA
Government-decreed ban on trade EMBARGO
Honor for a standout MLB pitcher CYA
Household hints guru HELOISE
Jekyll's evil self HYDE
Kitchen gadget often used for cheese GRATER
Lend a hand AID
Like a typical snake oil salesman GLIB
Luke's sister in 'Star Wars' LEIA
Macaroni variety ELBOW
Madison Square Garden, for one ARENA
Maude portrayer Arthur on 'Maude' BEA
Clues Answers
Meddlesome NOSY
Monogram for Jekyll's creator RLS
Motel rental ROOM
Nessie's milieu LOCH
Org. for travelers AAA
Pathway for an Ithaca wedding? GREEKAISLE
Person on a pedestal IDOL
Philly campus PENN
Pitcher Ryan in the Baseball Hall of Fame NOLAN
Poetry section rung out in church? BELLCANTO
Priests and ministers? ALTAREGOS
Prof, probably DOC
Rapidly swirling current EDDY
Reached the base feet-first SLID
Really impressive church area? KILLERAPSE
Rock band's gear, familiarly AMPS
Save a bundle on the wedding ELOPE
Ship's stem-to-stern stabilizer KEEL
Ship-loading structures WHARVES
Showing firm determination STEELY
South America's ostrich cousin RHEA
Speedy note taker STENO
Sporting a 10-Down purchase, maybe CLOTHED
Sticky stuff GOOP
Stuffed oneself OVERATE
Sunny season, in Strasbourg ETE
Terminal points ENDS
Tide designation NEAP
Tuna type AHI
Unabashed techies GEEKS
Went by, as time ELAPSED
What's needed for cold days? KLEENEX
Where not just any airline passenger may sit EXITROW
William and Harry's college ETON
WWII attack craft PTBOAT

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