The Washington Post - Aug 7 2016 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Aug 7 2016 Crossword Answer

'For reals?' ITIS
'Pride and Prejudice' suitor DARCY
'Straight Outta Compton' role ICECUBE
'___ #1's' (2005 country music album) REBA
1953 film with the tagline 'A raging torrent of emotion that even nature can't control!' NIAGARA
1992 racing game that spawned a franchise SUPERMARIOKART
Adjective on a taquería menu ASADA
Admitted defeat CRIEDUNCLE
Air current ridden by a soaring bird THERMAL
Allowance spender CHILD
Ancestor claimed by Julius Caesar AENEAS
Article in Oaxaca UNA
Author Bunin or Turgenev IVAN
Birds associated with the god Thoth IBISES
Boldly unconventional EDGY
Bookstore section ROMANCE
Brown alternative, familiarly PENN
Caesar's 1,056 MLVI
Camera shop letters SLR
Capture, in a way SCAN
City served by Düsseldorf Airport ESSEN
Common platter shape OVAL
Constantine's country ALGERIA
Count on boxes CHOCULA
Early man CAIN
Exciting March Madness periods, briefly OTS
Fencing option FOIL
First name in bronzers ESTEE
Fork-tailed predator TERN
Fresh Effects brand OLAY
Installation material ART
Language group that includes Swahili BANTU
Many a fed. holiday MON
More than trickle SPEW
Most Bollywood stars INDIANS
Clues Answers
Much praised VAUNTED
Musical set in Manhattan's East Village RENT
Neutralizes the effect of CANCELSOUT
New Zealand parrots KEAS
Niels who modeled the atom BOHR
Norwegian royal name OLAV
Old Saturn model VUE
Pacific salutation ALOHA
Permanent ABIDING
Piquant ZESTY
Pond swimmer TEAL
Port of 38-Across ORAN
Queen Anne's Revenge, e.g SHIP
Racket extension? EER
Revival effort, initially CPR
Seek information INQUIRE
Show whose title character used a customized Winchester THERIFLEMAN
Singer Lambert who's toured with Queen ADAM
Sister of Regan GONERIL
Site of Vulcan's forge, in myth ETNA
Snatch NAB
Some notebooks PCS
Strictness RIGOR
Subway transfer loc STA
Supervised by UNDER
Team once called the Highlanders YANKEES
They come in bunches BANANAS
Tricky football plays ENDAROUNDS
Twilled fabric SERGE
Type of broadcast enjoyed by trivia buffs QUIZPROGRAM
Viennese relative of Donald Duck LUDWIGVONDRAKE
Wade noisily SLOSH
With lots to spare APLENTY
Word with horse or rat PACK
___ out (ignore) TUNE
___ Worm ('80s light-up toy) GLO

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