The Washington Post - Jun 1 2016 Crossword Answer

The Washington Post - Jun 1 2016 Crossword Answer

Clues Answers
'Best Boy' or 'Key Grip' FILMCREDIT
'Danger ___' (1986 Kenny Loggins hit) ZONE
'Have a knuckle sandwich!' TAKETHAT
'I'm glad that's over!' PHEW
Bargain-sealing word DONE
Birds on Canadian coins LOONS
Blue-necked outback birds EMUS
Bram who wrote of bats and bites STOKER
Breath-taking serpent BOA
Brief tussle SETTO
Calligrapher's points NIBS
College World Series city OMAHA
CST or SOP segment (abbr.) STD
Cynical retort IBET
Debutantes' dates ESCORTS
Demonstrate disinterest YAWN
Dent or scratch MAR
Detonation location GROUNDZERO
Dollar divs CTS
Dwindles, as popularity EBBS
Eager to fire TRIGGERHAPPY
Enthusiastic vigor BRIO
Equally distant ASFAR
Feature of Karloff's 'Frankenstein' makeup SCAR
Flowerpot filler SOIL
Frequent April forecast SHOWERS
Fresh from the factory NEW
Glazier's installation PANE
Gritty movie genre NOIR
Guard or chard preceder SWISS
Guiding beliefs, collectively ETHOS
Hardly oblivious AWARE
Havana honcho Castro RAUL
Headline-making Pacific current ELNINO
Intense longing LUST
It may cause a prison lockdown RIOT
Jennifer Garner spy series ALIAS
Jesus, for one NAZARENE
Clues Answers
Land of yaks and yetis TIBET
Language which gave us 'kiwi' and 'mako' MAORI
Like a cherry, vis-à-vis a sundae ATOP
Made on a Bernina, maybe SEWN
Makeshift seat at a barn dance BALE
Maxim's target audience MEN
Medium for 'Car Talk' RADIO
Mimics Mister Magoo SQUINTS
Mustachioed Nintendo plumber MARIO
Mustang's mother MARE
Not accomplished, as goals UNMET
Nothing special SOSO
Orange-nosed Muppet ELMO
Particle depicted on an Emmy ATOM
Performer who shone in 'Shine' GEOFFREYRUSH
Periodical on an iPad EMAG
Reason for shouting 'Eureka!' IDEA
Repentant RUEFUL
Response to a high price, perhaps OUCH
Sampras with 14 Grand Slam titles PETE
Secures, as a victory ICES
Shawl in some spaghetti Westerns SERAPE
Skillful sort, for short WIZ
Sophocles's initial, to Sophocles SIGMA
Spiral-horned antelope KUDU
Squad on a snowy slope SKITEAM
Steep-roofed structures AFRAMES
Structure with a spillway DAM
Sunni Triangle country IRAQ
Supposes ASSUMES
Tapestry for wall hangings ARRAS
Tarzan's foster family APES
Tastelessly showy GAUDY
They can be boosted or bruised EGOS
Tuneful threesomes TRIOS
Utterly foolish ASININE
Zilch, in the barrio NADA
___ Club (Costco competitor) SAMS

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