| Answers |
'A Christmas Carol' figures | GHOSTS |
'Desperate Housewives' actress Hatcher | TERI |
'Shame!' | TSK |
'That's it!' | AHA |
1492 vessel | PINTA |
1982 sci-fi movie with a 2010 sequel | TRON |
1998 action film with Robert De Niro and Jean Reno | RONIN |
Aloft | INAIR |
Aquatic organism | ALGA |
Ark groupings | TWOS |
Christianize, slangily | CHURCHIFY |
Colorado locale of the Silver Queen Gondola | ASPEN |
Concert take for 'The Next Time I Fall' singer Amy? | GRANTMONEY |
Correlation | LINK |
Courage | HEART |
Cut corners | SKIMPED |
Darkness | GLOOM |
Driller's goal | OIL |
Dynamic start? | AERO |
Elevate | LIFT |
Elite British college | ETON |
Financial advisor Suze | ORMAN |
Fleck | DOT |
Floating out there | ASEA |
Former Rocket Yao | MING |
French friend | AMI |
Fruit choice for 'American Hustle' actress Amy? | ADAMSAPPLE |
Grub for gold medal-winning gymnast Amy? | CHOWCHOW |
Happening now | AFOOT |
Hardwood flooring option | MAPLE |
Hotel worker | MAID |
In conflict with, with 'of' | AFOUL |
Inactive | IDLE |
Japanese soup | MISO |
Just some | NOTALOT |
Just some | AFEW |
Knock-down, drag-out affair | MELEE |
Language spoken in Espoo | FINNISH |
Little rascals | IMPS |
Clues | Answers |
Markedly masculine | MACHO |
Military trainee | CADET |
Modern, in Münster | NEU |
Norse war god | ODIN |
One, in Milan | UNO |
One-named singer with the 2013 hit 'Royals' | LORDE |
Out of sight | GONE |
Package abbr | ATTN |
Plumb loco | BATS |
Pole-propelled punt in a Pingtan port | SAMPAN |
Postal delivery | |
Relative of -esque | ISH |
Ripened | AGED |
Seasonal strain | FLU |
Shoptalk | ARGOT |
Short excerpt from author Amy's 'The Joy Luck Club'? | TANLINE |
Sinus doc | ENT |
Slow Churned brand in the frozen food aisle | EDYS |
Something to lend? | ANEAR |
Something to look up to | SKY |
Speaker's spot | DAIS |
Stopped raining, perhaps | CLEAREDUP |
Summer drinks | ICETEAS |
Summer plaint | IMHOT |
Swimming competition | MEET |
Swish with mouthwash | GARGLE |
Tablets that might go on mounts | IPADS |
That is, in Latin | IDEST |
Tiny bit | IOTA |
Tons | PILES |
Transcript stats | GPAS |
Union foe | SCAB |
Vehicle for 'Crank' actress Amy? | SMARTCAR |
Weasel out | RENEGE |
Wife of Zeus | HERA |
Winter hazard | SLEET |
Words found in biography titles | ALIFE |
Year in Madrid | ANO |
___-Cat | SNO |
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