Clues | Answers |
'Battleship Potemkin' setting | ODESSA |
'Shoot' | ASK |
'Should I go for both the 7 and 10?,' e.g | SPLITDECISION |
'___ arigato' | DOMO |
'___ bleu!' | SACRE |
Absorb, as a cost | EAT |
Beer belly | POT |
Big bird of stories | ROC |
Brings to one's cause | ENLISTS |
Cav or Mav | NBAER |
Chiang Kai-shek's capital | TAIPEI |
City on the Delaware | CAMDEN |
Clear the tables | BUS |
Club cleaner | CADDIE |
Comes up | ARISES |
Comment from an exhausted person | IMDEAD |
Common ID | SSN |
Deluge refuge | ARK |
Dwindles | EBBS |
Eavesdropping org | NSA |
Electronic dance music | TECHNO |
Even finish | TIE |
Fakes, in a way | FORGES |
Fix | NEUTER |
Flambé | AFIRE |
Fortunate roll of a bowling ball? | LUCKYSTRIKE |
Freud contemporary | ADLER |
Go with the flow | ADAPT |
Harvest | REAP |
It was dropped in the '60s | LSD |
Just make, with 'out' | EKE |
Leb. neighbor | ISR |
Lifeguard, at times | RESCUER |
Like a Dali painting | SURREAL |
Listened to the sound of a good roll of a bowling ball? | HEARDAPINDROP |
Literature for the screen | EBOOKS |
Clues | Answers |
Livy's love | AMOR |
Lord's mate | LADY |
Make certain | ENSURE |
Member of the buttercup family | LARKSPUR |
Metaphor for bad debt | DEEPHOLE |
Modem termini? | EMS |
Nice touch | CARESS |
One of the Three Bears | PAPA |
One on a tirade | RANTER |
One with a pole position? | ELF |
Organism with pseudopods | AMOEBA |
Pant attachment? | IES |
Place to go for a quick bowling game? | EXPRESSLANE |
Places for laces | EYELETS |
QB's gains | YDS |
Scheherazade specialty | TALE |
Second chances in school | MAKEUPS |
Seek a seat | RUN |
Singer Bryson | PEABO |
Son of, in Arabic names | IBN |
Stable diet | HAY |
Sulking | INAMOOD |
Summer setting in St. Louis | CDT |
Sunscreen ingredient | PABA |
The exact time when the second roll in a frame is successful? | SPAREMOMENT |
Tic-tac-toe losing line | XOO |
Title role for Susan Sarandon | LOUISE |
Turkey toucher | SYRIA |
Victorian | PRIG |
What you will | ESTATE |
Where to see 'Street Signs' | CNBC |
Wrestling rounds | FALLS |
Yahoo! competitor | AOL |
___ de deux | PAS |
___ the Great (boy detective) | NATE |
___-majesty | LESE |
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