Clues | Answers |
'Back to the Future' guy | DOC |
'Cougar Town' network | TBS |
'Jackpot!' | SCORE |
'Too rich for my blood' | IFOLD |
Anchor or Brooklyn | BREWERY |
Arrive | COME |
Attended | WASAT |
Back muscle, familiarly | LAT |
Boarded | GOTON |
Brandish | WIELD |
Britcom with the characters Edina and Patsy | ABFAB |
Bunyan's ox | BABE |
Celebration time, for short | BDAY |
Cryptids of the Indian subcontinent | YETIS |
Desperate | DIRE |
Direction in Durango | ESTE |
Do something | TAKEACTION |
Don Henley, hopping around the islands? | FLYINGEAGLE |
Duel tool | EPEE |
Evolutionary links | APEMEN |
Flatten | PANCAKE |
French friend | AMI |
Give up and go, slangily | BAIL |
Glimpsed | SEEN |
Gridlock sound, perhaps | BEEP |
Gurney deployer, for short | EMT |
Hangs around | STAYS |
Heavenly food | MANNA |
Hershiser who once pitched 59 consecutive scoreless innings | OREL |
Holler | YELL |
Honey liquor | MEAD |
Hoppy pub order | IPA |
Hotel chain | OMNI |
Imbiber's road offense, briefly | DWI |
In the know | AWARE |
Irish singer with the 2015 album 'Dark Sky Island' | ENYA |
Jim Morrison, stealing second base? | SLIDINGDOOR |
Keith Richards, going a bit unsteadily? | STUMBLINGSTONE |
Kenyan tribesman | MASAI |
Clues | Answers |
Last in a series | OMEGA |
Light gas | NEON |
Makeshift | STOPGAP |
Metamorphic rock | GNEISS |
Mongolian expanse | GOBI |
MSN alternative | AOL |
Musician's deg | MFA |
Newport bad news? | TAR |
Newton filler | FIG |
Nothing but | ONLY |
November honorees | VETS |
Oklahoma city | ENID |
Outdo | TOP |
Part of a perp's record | PRIOR |
Pest eradication brand | DCON |
Peter of 'Casablanca' | LORRE |
Players of reeds in pits | OBOISTS |
Prefix with cycle | UNI |
Puff powder | TALC |
Put-on | HOAX |
Radio switch letters | AMFM |
Record label for Elton John's 'Goodbye Yellow Brick Road' | MCA |
Relations | KIN |
Remote starter? | AAA |
Rounds and shots | AMMO |
Sad | BLUE |
Scottish hillside | BRAE |
Screen spot | PIXEL |
SHO competitor | HBO |
Smokey Robinson, taking a constitutional? | WALKINGMIRACLE |
Smooth, in a way | SAND |
Spanish bar food | TAPAS |
Supermarket chain | IGA |
Thickness measures | MILS |
Unselfish | ALTRUISTIC |
Vintner's prefix | OENO |
Wearingly dull one | BORE |
Went in for completely | ATEUP |
Worth | VALUE |
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