Clues | Answers |
'Absolutely!' | YES |
'Golden' state | SILENCE |
'The only way to run away without leaving home,' per Twyla Tharp | ART |
'Told you so!' | HAH |
Authoritative source | HORSESMOUTH |
Balkan state unrecognized by its neighbor Serbia | KOSOVO |
Biblical son saved from a sacrifice | ISAAC |
Big deli brand | BOARSHEAD |
Birthday subject | AGE |
Boat that may be inflatable | RAFT |
Bullring 'Bravo!' | OLE |
Cacklers in coops | HENS |
City that shares Seattle's airport | TACOMA |
Coin worth 100 kopecks | RUBLE |
Coin worth 100 pence | POUND |
Crave | WANT |
Design descriptions, informally | SPECS |
Dubious | LEERY |
Egg-shaped | OVOID |
Enjoy to the utmost | SAVOR |
Epitome of excellence | BEESKNEES |
Escorted to the exit | SAWOUT |
Fight against | OPPOSE |
Formidable Foreman foe | ALI |
Freezing-cold chamber subject to collapse | ICECAVE |
Garish | GAUDY |
Good luck charm | RABBITSFOOT |
Grand celebration | FETE |
Group of teams | LEAGUE |
Group's distinctive beliefs | ETHOS |
Guitar feature | FRET |
Hence | ERGO |
In-box filler | |
It shows doubt about your date | CIRCA |
Keg filler | ALE |
Learned from the grapevine | HEARD |
Light-reflecting gem | CATSEYE |
Luxury watch brand | OMEGA |
Makes a move | GOES |
Clues | Answers |
Many-petaled bloom | ASTER |
Obeys an entrance ramp sign | YIELDS |
Out of action | IDLE |
Overalls part | BIB |
Owner of Dorothy the goldfish on 'Sesame Street' | ELMO |
Pacific resort island surrounded by coral reefs | BALI |
Patron | USER |
Ph.D. forerunners | MAS |
Picturesque | SCENIC |
Port between Buffalo and Cleveland | ERIE |
Prescription amounts | DOSES |
Recline | LIE |
Recommended actions | DOS |
Reins in | CURBS |
Remove a knot, say | UNTIE |
Retains | KEEPS |
Sacred | HOLY |
Scent | AROMA |
Scorn, with 'at' | SCOFF |
Seeded sandwich slices | RYES |
Shrivel up | WITHER |
Somewhat, slangily | SORTA |
Sores near the lashes | STYES |
Sound component | AUDIO |
Sugary root veggie | BEET |
Swindle | ROOK |
Techie type | NERD |
Tot's milk source | MOOCOW |
Trans no-nos | FATS |
Tribute from Keats or Shelley | ODE |
Typical | USUAL |
Valuable mine find | ORE |
Vault | LEAP |
Washday woe | STAIN |
Weapons always at hand? | FISTS |
Where many a forgotten treasure is found | ATTIC |
Woodsy homes | CABINS |
Worker on the way up the ladder (abbr.) | ASST |
Yank's Civil War foe | REB |
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